Low Cost AT, Replacement Supports and Assistive Tech
Since the 3rd of October the team at Assistive Tech have fielded thousands of calls and emails about the NDIS, Tablets, Communication Apps, Noise Canceling Headphones and Replacement Supports.
So what’s in a name, what does it all mean and where to from here for an NDIS participant that needs a tablet and communication app or a pair of noise cancelling headphones to enable them to access the community independently.
Let’s start with the term “Replacement Supports” as this is often where the confusion starts. Many people hear the word “replacement” and assume this is the process you follow if you have an existing item that is broken, damaged or previously funded that needs to be repaired. If you need to repair your communication device or other product that was funded by the NDIS – skip this article and head straight to our Assistive Technology Repairs Guide.
The Laws / Rules
NDIS laws and Rules determine what the NDIS can and can’t fund (collectively the items that can be funded are included on the Supports Lists). Sometimes you’ll need an item that isn’t on the Supports Lists that you will use for a disability specific purpose.
The NDIS has a process for approving the purchase of these items and they must fall into one of the following categories:
- Standard Commercially Available Household Items
- Smart Watches
- Tablets
- Smart Phones
- Communication Apps
The approval process for these items is called a Replacement Supports Approval because you’re replacing something else in your existing plan and budget with one of the items noted above.
If approval is granted for the purchase of a Replacement Support during a Plan Reassessment, Review or Variation, you’ll receive an updated copy of your plan that specifically refers to the item. For example, your plan might say “Funding for an iPad, Case and Accessories with Proloquo2Go - $1,465.00”.
Sometimes you might already have an amount in your budget with a general description like “funding for Mid-cost AT, communication device $1,465.00” but it doesn’t specifically say “iPad and communication app.” In this case you’ll need to apply for a Replacement Support Approval. We know this is a frustrating additional step given the intent of the funding was to supply an iPad and App but to make sure we comply with the NDIS laws, the funding approval needs to be clear that a tablet and communication app has been specifically approved by NDIS.
Best Practice
Whether you’re requesting funding at a plan review or completing a Replacement Supports Approval you need to make sure you give the NDIS the right information so it’s easy for them to understand when they’re considering your request.
The NDIS has a guide to applying for a replacement support approval on their website which you can access here.
For an iPad that’s going to be used as a communication device along with a communication app, we recommend you include:
1. Recommendations from your speech pathologist. Most speech pathologists are familiar with the requirements for recommendations but at a minimum this should include:
- That the iPad and Communication app is necessary to address your communication and accessibility needs and that this is directly related to your disability / impairment that granted you access to the NDIS.
- That the iPad and communication app is better value than a dedicated communication device that would otherwise be eligible for funding (hot take – it’s better value because an iPad and Communication app is much cheaper).
- That the iPad and Communication app is for dedicated use by the participant (because a shared device wouldn’t meet their needs as they always need to communicate).
- That the iPad and Communication app delivers the same or better outcomes as a dedicated communication device.
2. A draft service agreement showing the cost of the product you wish to purchase. You can create this using our NDIS Ordering Tool. We have a range of convenient AAC Bundles that come set up and ready for use.
3. The completed Replacement Supports Form.
How to Apply
Once you have put your application and evidence together along with your form, you can submit this via email to enquiries@ndis.gov.au. Whilst the NDIS does accept applications via phone, it’s easier to email so you can include all the information and evidence the NDIS needs to make a decision on your request for Replacement Supports.
When completing the Replacement Supports Form you will be asked “Tell us which NDIS support/s from your plan you want to replace.” If you already have approved funding for your items, you simply need to write “$x.xx from my existing approved budget for <Budget Name>”. If you are replacing something else e.g. support worker hours because you’ll be more independent when using noise cancelling headphones you’ll need to be more detailed in what you’re replacing.
Where do I get help and advice?
- If you have a Support Coordinator, they can assist you with getting all the information together and applying.
- Your Local Area Coordinator or Early Childhood Partner can help with information and support. You can find their details on your NDIS Plan.
- You can call the NDIS National Contact Centre on 1800 800 110
- The Assistive Tech customer service team can help with creating a draft service agreement for the items you need. You can call us on 1300 088 222.
What Happens Next?
Once the NDIS has reviewed your request, if it is approved you will receive a Replacement Supports Approval Letter. You need to share a copy of this letter with your Plan Manager (if your funding is plan managed), or Assistive Tech (if your funding is Agency Managed).
This will enable your Plan Manager or Assistive Tech to submit the claim for payment for your Replacement Supports.
Frequently Asked Questions
I have funding in my plan that was added for the purpose of a communication device but my plan just says “Low Cost Assistive Technology” or “Communication Device.” Why are you asking me to complete a Replacement Supports Approval?
The NDIS laws are specific on what can be funded by the NDIS. Many plans issued before 03/10/2024 included funding for this purpose before the new specific approval requirements were issued. To comply with the law, a Replacement Supports Approval is required as the specific items are not stated in your plan.
My NDIS planner told me that the case notes in my plan indicate the purpose of the funding is for a tablet and communication app and that Replacement Supports approval is not required. What do I do?
To comply with the NDIS Laws, the plan needs to specifically state the item that is approved, or a Replacement Supports Approval letter is required. A payment claim cannot be submitted to the NDIS before these requirements are met. Please refer the NDIS planner to this blog post or ask them to get in touch with the Assistive Tech team on 1300 088 222 if you have already placed your order with us.
I’m self-managed, do I still have to get approval?
Yes, the NDIS Laws apply to all participants of the NDIS. You still need to have the item specifically stated in your plan or seek approval from the NDIS via the Replacement Supports process.
Common Examples of Replacement Supports
Here are a few common examples of supports that have been approved, but ultimately the decision regarding approval is up to the NDIS as they must be appropriate for your individual circumstances:
- Funding of an iPad and Communication App that replaces Consumables Budgets for Low Cost Assistive Technology (Older PRODA Plans).
- Funding of an iPad and Communication App that replaces Capital Assistive Technology (PACE Plans)
- Funding of Noise Canceling Headphones that replace support worker hours when you’re more able to engage in the community independently.