Quokka bags are designed to be secured onto mobility aids, such as walkers, scooters and wheelchairs. They feature a quick release clamp system that fastens onto the mobility aid and allows the bag to be locked in place or removed easily.
Quokka bags require an adaptor to fit your mobility aid. If you don't have one, please ensure you add one to suit:
- Quokka Angled Wheelchair Adaptor
- Quokka Straight Wheelchair Adaptor (Straight frames or power wheelchairs).
The Quokka Horizontal Bag is available in Black colour.
Installation Guide
More Information
NDIS Eligibility: NDIS Approved
This product is included on the NDIS List of Supports in the Personal Mobility Equipment Category. This is a product that is developed specifically as a consumable item specifically to fit to a participant's wheelchair or mobility device.
NDIS Guides
For more information on accessing Low Cost Assistive Technology using your NDIS Funding you can read our guides for Support Coordinators, Participants and Health Professionals in our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
Private Purchase
At Assistive Tech we prioritise orders for NDIS Participants but also welcome orders from private customers.
At Assistive Tech your product comes with a manufacturers warranty in addition to your rights under the Australian Consumer Law.
Assistive Tech Support 1300 088 222
Click here for NDIS Assistive technology repairs, maintenance and replacement information.